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Antonio Denounces House Anti-Parent's Rights, Sports & Healthcare Legislation

June 21, 2023
Nickie J. Antonio News

Today, Senate Democratic Leader Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) issued a statement condemning House Bill 68 and House Bill 8, the dangerous anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ legislation passed in the Ohio House.

“House Bill 68 and House Bill 8 are the latest Republican overreaches that will endanger the life, health and well-being of Ohio’s students and families,” said Antonio. “Gender-affirming healthcare is more than an ethical, moral or religious dilemma. It is a matter of life or death. Gender-affirming care saves lives, but Republicans would rather attack parents’ rights in helping their children get lifesaving medical care.”

House Bill 68 contains a ban on gender-affirming care, requires schools and higher education institutions to designate single-sex sports teams, prohibits trans female athletes from playing in female sports, and creates new rights of civil action. House Bill 68 began as a ban on gender-affirming care but was amended in committee last week to include House Bill 6, the trans athlete ban. Healthcare professionals from across the country, like the American Academy of Pediatrics and Nationwide Children’s Hospital, have warned of the harm this kind of legislation will have on LGBTQ+ youth who are already at a significantly higher risk of attempting suicide.

House Bill 8 would alter a teacher’s ability to discuss LGBTQ+ issues and force teachers and staff to disclose student information shared in confidence with regard to their gender identity.

These bills are part of a larger nationwide attack of over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills, making 2023 the worst year on record for LGBTQ+ rights. This week, a federal judge in Arkansas struck down a state law forbidding gender-affirming care for children and teachers, ruling that it violates the U.S. Constitution. This is the first ruling of many legal challenges in over a dozen states that have enacted similar legislation.

“If Ohio truly wants to be a state of opportunity for all, we cannot continue to pass such harmful legislation,” said Antonio. “It’s important to remind our colleagues and business community members that young people are leaving states like Ohio at an alarming rate, and regressive policies like this are part of the problem."