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Antonio Remembers Tom Sawyer

May 23, 2023
Nickie J. Antonio News

Today, Senate Minority Leader Nickie J. Antonio released the following statement remembering former member of the Ohio Senate Democratic Caucus, Tom Sawyer, who passed away today.

“Tom Sawyer served in many capacities during his distinguished career and remarkable life – an advocate, teacher, mayor, congressman and state legislator, but above all he was a public servant whom I was honored to know,” said Antonio.

“As Mayor of Akron, he helped save Goodyear from a hostile foreign takeover, saved thousands of jobs and the city’s historic Rubber City legacy in the process. Later, as a U.S. Congressman, he was a nationally recognized advocate for strong public education, smarter energy policies, and increased funding for scientific research to fight illness. He cast votes against the wars in Iraq, even at a time when those votes were unpopular and politically risky. 

“He cared deeply about the people of his home in Akron, the people of Ohio, and the nation. He was especially concerned with the well-being of children and the legacy one generation leaves to the next. At the core of all his public efforts was a belief that good government can make a difference for the people.”