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Antonio Responds to Governor's State of the State Address

April 10, 2024
Nickie J. Antonio News

Today, Senate Minority Leader Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) issued the following statement in response to Governor Mike DeWine’s State of the State address.

“Certainly, the governor touched on programs and issues we can support as many of them focused on lifting up and supporting our youngest Ohioans and their future,” said Antonio. “I’d like to believe that the aspirational, ‘Ohio is the heart of it all’ were true. However, it is disingenuous to use that slogan to welcome people while the majority contradicts the sentiment with legislation that would deny the civil rights of marginalized Ohioans. Last year’s three statewide elections proved how out of step majority Republicans are with everyday Ohioans. We can and we must do better.

“Democrats are dedicated to creating an inclusive, welcoming state with safe and thriving communities by investing in accessible, affordable quality child care, affordable housing, good-paying jobs, and equal access to quality education to ensure families have the support they need to succeed. We will continue to advocate and fight for the dignity of Ohio’s workers and families this year by advancing those policies, issues, and budget items where we can find common ground with the Governor, our colleagues across the aisle, and across chambers, whenever possible.”

Read Leader Antonio’s full remarks here and watch the full Democratic response here.