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Antonio Responds to Senate Substitute Budget Bill

June 6, 2023
Nickie J. Antonio News

Today, Senate Democratic Leader Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) issued a statement responding to the Senate’s changes to House Bill 33, the state operating budget.

“We’ve been given a lot to digest because the new budget bill makes complicated changes,” said Antonio. “One of my biggest concerns continues to be the additional expansion of private school scholarship vouchers. A program that was intended to help low-income children could now subsidize wealthy families to continue to send their children to private schools. Our caucus will be spending the next few days digging into the details to follow the money. Ultimately, we want a budget that creates opportunity for all Ohioans.”

Senate Republicans held a press conference today outlining several changes to the version of the state operating budget as passed by the House, the most significant of which included expanding vouchers, cutting income taxes and inserting the entirety of Senate Bill 1, which drastically limits the duties and function of the State Board of Education and superintendent of public instruction.

The Senate Finance Committee will hold hearings on the substitute bill this week. Further changes will continue to be made before the bill is expected to be voted out of committee and the Senate next week.