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Ohio Senate Democrats Dedicate Portraits to Honor Former Ohio Democratic Leaders

February 28, 2024
Nickie J. Antonio News

Today, Senate Democratic Leader Antonio (D-Lakewood) and the Ohio Senate Democratic Caucus held a ceremony to unveil and dedicate portraits of three former Ohio Senate Democratic leaders at the Ohio Statehouse, including the Honorable Rhine McLin.

“As we reflect on Black History Month and welcome the beginning of Women’s History Month, it’s the perfect time to acknowledge some of the trailblazing legislators who came before us,” said Antonio. “All three individuals whose portraits will hang in this room made significant contributions to Ohio politics, and their legacies continue to inspire and shape the state's political landscape and leaders. It’s an honor that former state Senator, Minority Leader, and Mayor of Dayton Rhine McLin was able to join us today and be recognized for her dedication and service to the state of Ohio."

The portraits will hang in the Minority Conference Room of the Ohio Statehouse, a room where the Democratic Caucus meets to discuss and debate legislation and issues impacting Ohioans. The three portraits will include the Honorable Rhine McLin, the first Democratic African American woman elected to the Ohio Senate, former Minority Leader and first woman to serve as mayor of Dayton; Dick Celeste, Lakewood’s native son, former governor of Ohio; and the late Margaret Mahoney, the first Democratic woman elected to the Ohio Senate and to serve as Majority Leader and Senate President Pro Tempore.

The Ohio Senate Democrats are proud to honor those who came before us and paved the way for legislators to come.