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Wilkin Announces $1.1 Million Housing Grant for Perry County

January 29, 2024
Shane Wilkin News

COLUMBUS—State Senator Shane Wilkin (R-Hillsboro) today announced that Perry County is receiving a $1.1 million grant to rehabilitate 10 owner-occupied homes and repair 12 owner-occupied homes and four rental homes. The Ohio Department of Development is providing funds to 29 communities across the state to improve housing for low- and moderate-income families.

"Homeownership is a growing challenge throughout our state, and a major obstacle for many is the cost of significant home repairs," Wilkin said. "I am happy to see that Perry County is receiving funding so that residents can stay in their homes and live where they can succeed."

The Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) program works with communities to improve our state's housing inventory through a variety of initiatives, including home renovation and repair, rental assistance, and more. 

CHIP program grants are funded by the Ohio Housing Trust Fund, the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and HOME Investment Partnership Programs. Eligible applicants can apply for this competitive funding once a year. To learn more about the CHIP program, visit here.