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Celebrating Ohio Manufacturing and Driving Our Workforce Forward

A guest column by Senator Steve Wilson
October 3, 2018
Steve Wilson News
Celebrating Ohio Manufacturing and Driving Our Workforce Forward
In 2017, Ohio ranked third in the nation in manufacturing employment with almost 699,000 jobs across 88 counties, making up 12.4% of all Ohio workers. The importance of this industry is no different in Southwest Ohio, and these jobs are particularly important to our region's growth and continued success.

According to the Ohio Manufacturers' Association Warren, Butler and Hamilton counties have a combined 1,545 different manufacturing establishments that employ 86,368 in our communities. The numbers make it abundantly clear that Ohio's workforce is powered by manufacturing, and it is an industry we must continue to promote and invest in.

In Ohio we have streamlined the process to connect people with jobs across all industries. If you are currently seeking employment, I encourage you to check out www.OhioMeansJobs.com to see which of the 150,000 available jobs may be right for you.

Additionally, each year, the first Friday in October is recognized as Manufacturing Day. To celebrate, businesses will host a series of events to inspire and recruit the next generation of manufacturing workers and entrepreneurs. Currently, there are 195 Manufacturing Day events planned in Ohio for 2018 where you can expand your knowledge of opportunities and set new goals. A full list of events and locations can be found here.

As lawmakers, the policies we implement can have an impact on the cost of doing business for Ohio's manufacturers. My colleagues and I are committed to maintaining a fair, yet competitive, business environment that promotes stability and growth. That is why we continue to partner with manufacturers to address Ohio's skilled labor shortages, connect with future generations of leaders, and collaborate on the most cutting-edge technology.

It is clear our policies are working, and everyday we are coming up with new and innovative ways to drive business and industry. I am proud to inform you that last year, Ohio ranked second nationally in the number of new site selections for the past five years, and it is only expected to get better.

As always, I welcome your thoughts and ideas. If you would like to discuss your own ideas on how we can help Ohio manufacturers, please contact my office at (614) 466-9737 or by e-mail at Wilson@OhioSenate.gov.