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Wilson Bill Allows Employers to Post Labor Law Notices on Internet

March 6, 2025
Steve Wilson News

COLUMBUS —The Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 33 today, sponsored by State Senators Steve Wilson (R-Maineville) and George Lang (R-West Chester), allowing employers to post certain labor law notices on the internet. Under current law, notices regarding those laws must be posted conspicuously in the employer’s place or places of employment.

"Senator Lang and I have made it a priority in office to make Ohio the best state in the nation in which to do business," said Wilson. "In a world where many employees have instant access to the internet in their pocket, we believe Ohio employers should be afforded the flexibility to focus on their employees, products, and services; rather than be restricted by red-tape." 

Senate Bill 33 allows an employer to post notices regarding the following labor laws on the internet in a manner that is accessible to the employer’s employees:

      ·  Ohio’s Minor Labor Law (excluding the list of minors employed by an employer)
      ·  Ohio’s Minimum Fair Wage Standards Law (minimum wage and overtime)
      ·  Ohio’s Civil Rights Law
      ·  Ohio’s Prevailing Wage Law
      ·  Ohio’s Workers’ Compensation Law
      ·  Ohio’s Public Employment Risk Reduction Program Law

"This is a common sense measure that simply allows Ohio employers the flexibility of posting these notices on the internet, instead of at the physical workplace," said Lang. "This is a popular, bipartisan measure that lets Ohio businesses to use one of the conveniences of modern technology."