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Wilson Highlights Importance of Banker Advocacy During Grassroots Boot Camp

October 29, 2018
Steve Wilson News
Wilson Highlights Importance of Banker Advocacy During Grassroots Boot Camp
Wilson Highlights Importance of Banker Advocacy During Grassroots Boot Camp
COLUMBUS—State Senator Steve Wilson (R-Maineville) last week met with members of the Ohio Banker's League (OBL) during their "Grassroots Boot Camp." The annual event aims to give insight on how bankers can make a difference in Columbus, as well as in their communities, through active engagement in the legislative and political process.

"Over forty years ago, I started working for Lebanon Citizens National Bank as a teller. Even all those years ago, I knew I wanted to not only have a career in banking, but become a leader who was a strong advocate for state and national policies that were good for our industry and the people who work in it," said Wilson. "I enjoyed our conversation and hearing all of the ways OBL is inspiring young bankers to become active, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact they will continue to have moving forward."

OBL encourages their members to act as political advocates, and through continuous dialogue with legislators and bank regulators, they work to enhance the opportunities available to banks by communicating industry priorities and helping to mold public policy.

With an extensive background in banking and advocacy, Wilson gave insight as to how he was able to remain politically active during his banking career and the path that lead to his self-proclaimed "failed retirement" when he began representing Senate District 7 last year.

"As lawmakers, we rely heavily on industry experts and knowledgable constituents from across Ohio to give us the facts needed to make the best decisions for our state," added Wilson.

For more information on the policy issues facing Ohio's bankers, please visit http://www.ohiobankersleague.com, or contact Senator Wilson at Wilson@OhioSenate.gov.