Johnson Provides Sponsor Testimony on Senate Bill 22
March 4, 2021
Terry Johnson News

COLUMBUS—State Senator Terry Johnson (R-McDermott) this week provided sponsor testimony in the Ohio House State and Local Government Committee on Senate Bill 22, which provides additional legislative oversight for public health orders in response to executive actions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The goal of this piece of legislation is to give the citizens of the state of Ohio, through their elected officials in the General Assembly, a voice in matters related to public health," Johnson said. "I want to highlight that this bill will in no way limit an Ohio governor’s ability to respond quickly and decisively to a grave crisis, however, the constitution remains in effect and the Governor and Health Director are subject to checks and balances."
For more information and to check the status of Senate Bill 22, click here.
"The goal of this piece of legislation is to give the citizens of the state of Ohio, through their elected officials in the General Assembly, a voice in matters related to public health," Johnson said. "I want to highlight that this bill will in no way limit an Ohio governor’s ability to respond quickly and decisively to a grave crisis, however, the constitution remains in effect and the Governor and Health Director are subject to checks and balances."
For more information and to check the status of Senate Bill 22, click here.