Ohio Senate Passes Bill Raising Awareness for Rare Condition
COLUMBUS - The Ohio Senate passed legislation sponsored by State Senator Terry Johnson (R-McDermott) to designate March 20 as Ameloblastoma Awareness Day in Ohio.
The senator introduced Senate Bill 270 in honor of his constituent, Emily Hosler, who has been recovering from Ameloblastoma, a rare condition in which a cancerous tumor develops in the jaw. March 20 was chosen as the recognition date to commemorate her surgery, so others may be inspired by her perseverance and strength.
"Emily's story is one of incredible fortitude and advocacy. When she brought this idea to me, we immediately began working so that all Ohioans become aware of this condition," Johnson said. "I am thrilled this bill is moving forward and look forward to continuing to push it across the finish line with Emily."
Roughly 300 cases of Ameloblastoma are diagnosed each year across the United States. 12 Ohioans are diagnosed annually.
Senate Bill 270 now goes to the Ohio House for consideration.