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A Holiday Message from State Senator Tim Schaffer

December 22, 2020
Tim Schaffer News
December is a wonderful time of year spent with family and friends celebrating the end of a year and the holiday season with one another. However, this year is slightly different. In a year that has been difficult for so many Ohioans, I want to share a brief holiday message to the hard-working and resilient folks of Ohio’s 20th Senate district. Despite the hardships, do not forget or lose sight of the meaning of this season. This is a season of giving. One thing that we all can do is give hope and kindness to family, friends, and neighbors this holiday season. In a time when many Ohioans are facing difficulties in their lives, working together will help bring us together. Also, be sure to take time to thank our healthcare professionals for their grit and determination in helping keep us safe and healthy throughout this pandemic. Though we are limited in our ability to gather and enjoy each other’s company this year, remember that this too shall pass and better days are ahead for all of us. It has been an honor to have the opportunity to serve as your state senator for the past year and a half and I am looking forward to fighting hard for you and the 20th Ohio Senate District in the years to come. If you ever need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 614-466-8076 or sd20@ohiosenate.gov. I want to wish you and your families a safe Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!