Ohio Senate Adopts Schaffer Resolutions to Support Veterans

COLUMBUS - The Ohio Senate adopted Senate Concurrent Resolutions 8 and 9, sponsored by State Senator Tim Schaffer (R-Lancaster), to support our nation's military heroes.
Senate Concurrent Resolution 8 urges the federal government to reduce the wait time for processing veterans' disability claims. In December of 2023, the average claim was processed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in 149 days, which is considered a backlog. A total of 378,000 veterans had a claim pending during this time.
"Our veterans deserve prompt service since they gave everything to serve us," Schaffer said. "It is unacceptable that these claims are taking more than three months to process. This resolution sends a message to the federal government to act now."
Senate Concurrent Resolution 9 urges the U.S. Congress to prioritize comprehensive mental health services for active-duty military members and veterans. Suicide rates among active-duty military members are at an all-time high since September 11, 2001.
"A mental health crisis is plaguing our military members and veterans, and it is imperative they get the care and resources they need to combat it," the senator said. "S.C.R. 9 encourages the federal government to improve its current model so our heroes receive the treatment they need from qualified medical professionals."
S.C.R. 9 also asks the federal government to improve its current practices by using only qualified and licensed medical professionals with experience treating military personnel and veterans to approve or disapprove mental health treatments.
"The committee heard testimony that even college interns are utilized by the VA to conduct mental health intake evaluations," added Senator Schaffer.
Additionally, the resolution encourages the VA to consider a person who served in active military and was discharged with any condition except dishonorable for possible health care benefits.
"We are simply asking the Department of Defense and the VA to appropriately consider PTSD and other traumatic brain injuries before discharging a service member and that they give our veterans full and fair consideration for VA health benefits, respectively."
Both resolutions were adopted by the Senate unanimously 30-0. S.C.R. 8 and S.C.R. 9 will next be considered by the Ohio House of Representatives.