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Schaffer Announces Passage of New State Budget

Amendments improve schools, safety and jobs
July 17, 2019
Tim Schaffer News
COLUMBUS— State Senator Tim Schaffer (R-Lancaster) today joined Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof (R-Medina) to announce the passage of Am. Sub. House Bill 166, the state’s two-year operating budget. The Senate voted 29-1 in favor of the conference committee report approved yesterday. The bill now awaits Governor DeWine's signature. “This budget reflects our commitment to return tax dollars-a 4% income tax cut for all taxpayers and restoration of the business income deduction (BID) to $250,000-to the pockets of Ohioans,” said State Senator Tim Schaffer. “We invested in important services, but did so in a fiscally responsible manner. This budget will positively impact all Ohioans to ensure that they are successful in all faucets of life.” Schaffer also said, “The budget eliminates income taxes on the working poor.” Income tax cuts in the budget total nearly $700 million, providing significant tax relief and support to working Ohioans and job creators with the purpose of keeping the state’s economy healthy and growing. Senator Schaffer sponsored a number of additional amendments in the budget, including:
  • $1.25 million for advanced manufacturing and robotics training in Fairfield County to support a new manufacturer locating in Lancaster, Magna Manufacturing. Ohio University-Lancaster and Hocking College will collaborate in the training.
  • $1 million to create the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, in effort to support law enforcement’s dedication to protecting children from predators.
  • Increases the maximum amount of lodging tax revenue received by the Muskingum County Convention Facilities Authority that is permitted to be used for county fairground purposes.
  • Extends the moratorium on building code requirements for micromanaging how public schools construct storm shelters.
  • An amendment that allows for $17,000 in unused money in the Lakes in Economic Distress Revolving Loan Fund to be made available in Fiscal Year 20. This initiative will continue to assist the Buckeye Lake and Millersport regions’ continued economic recovery.
  • Schaffer was also proud to lead an initiative that provides funding to non-affiliated food banks and pantries. By correcting a problem, Ohio will see a greater capacity to help families in need, including hungry children.
  • An amendment that will exempt small wineries from burdensome licensure requirements. This amendment will help the small wineries trying to make a living, specifically, those constituents that have reached out in need of help from the State
  • $500,000 for Heritage Ohio’s Main Street Program to assist rural towns of Ohio in revitalization efforts.
Additional budget highlights include:
  • Investing in Ohioans’ Health and Wellbeing: Makes targeted investments in kinship, multi-system youth, and crisis care, providing funding for families caring for children whose parents are struggling with addiction.
  • Protecting the Health of Ohio’s Natural Resources: Continues to protect the health and viability of Ohio’s lakes and rivers by fully funding the H2Ohio program over the next two years in a comprehensive effort to deal with the challenges faced by Lake Erie and Ohio’s other vital waterways.
  • Investing in Education and Career Readiness: Provides increased funding for Ohio’s nationally-recognized libraries and programs that invest in early childhood programs.
  • Supporting Our Veterans: Increases funding for various veterans’ organizations, including innovative programs focused on groundbreaking research for brain trauma and other mental health concerns.
  • Providing for Vital Community Services: Funding directed to Ohio’s food banks and other vital community service providers, like Boys and Girls Clubs, United Way family stability programs, Ohio Children’s Trust Fund, and the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition.
The new budget plan also builds on the framework of Senate Bill 1, which requires a one in, two out requirement for regulatory reform. Overly burdensome and unnecessary rules are a barrier to new economic investments and job growth in Ohio. Any new rule that is implemented, must come with an extensive review of two old rules that may be outdated or no longer relevant. This helps streamline Ohio’s code and provides consistency and reliability to Ohio’s regulatory framework. Am. Sub. House Bill 166 will now sent to the Governor for his signature. When signed, the new operating budget will become effective immediately.