H. B. No. 8
Enact the Parents' Bill of Rights
S. B. No. 11
Enact the Parent Educational Freedom Act
S. C. R. No. 11
Urge excluding sexual orientation, gender identity from Title IX
S. B. No. 14
Expand veteran eligibility to teach without license
S. B. No. 27
Ratify Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact
S. B. No. 66
Require schools to transmit student's records within 5 days
H. B. No. 70
Require schools adopt a policy regarding over-the-counter drugs
S. B. No. 79
Regards dropout prevention and recovery community schools
S. B. No. 99
Enact Sarah's Law regarding seizure action plans
H. B. No. 117
Eliminate retention under the Third Grade Reading Guarantee
S. B. No. 128
Require disclosure of the for-profit status of certain schools
H. B. No. 178
Enact Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act
S. B. No. 181
Regards ticket prices for school-affiliated events
S. B. No. 205
Regards drug, alcohol, marijuana, tobacco instruction in schools
S. B. No. 219
Regards educator license grade bands
S. B. No. 259
Regards interscholastic athletics for bullied students
S. B. No. 261
Regards auditing chartered nonpublic schools
S. B. No. 265
Eliminate right of first refusal for school district property
S. B. No. 293
Regards school policies for release for religious instruction
S. B. No. 295
Declare intent to revise school closure requirements
H. B. No. 432
Regards the teaching of career-technical education