House Bill 33
Return To SearchEstablishes operating appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025
To amend sections 101.34, 101.35, 101.352, 101.353, 101.84, 103.0521, 103.414, 103.51, 103.60, 103.65, 103.71, 106.02, 106.031, 106.032, 106.04, 106.041, 107.03, 107.032, 107.033, 107.51, 107.63, 109.02, 109.11, 109.111, 109.112, 109.572, 109.71, 109.77, 109.803, 111.15, 113.41, 113.60, 117.10, 117.103, 117.34, 117.46, 117.462, 117.463, 117.47, 117.473, 119.01, 119.06, 119.062, 119.07, 119.09, 119.092, 119.12, 120.04, 120.08, 121.04, 121.08, 121.31, 121.37, 121.381, 121.483, 121.49, 121.81, 121.811, 121.93, 122.07, 122.071, 122.072, 122.073, 122.16, 122.17, 122.171, 122.173, 122.1710, 122.19, 122.21, 122.23, 122.25, 122.27, 122.40, 122.407, 122.4017, 122.4019, 122.4020, 122.4023, 122.4030, 122.4031, 122.4034, 122.4037, 122.4040, 122.4041, 122.4045, 122.4050, 122.4071, 122.4076, 122.6511, 122.6512, 122.85, 122.941, 123.20, 123.211, 124.136, 124.14, 124.15, 124.34, 124.387, 124.41, 125.01, 125.035, 125.05, 125.071, 125.073, 125.09, 125.10, 125.11, 125.18, 125.182, 125.22, 125.901, 126.21, 126.25, 126.30, 126.46, 126.47, 126.62, 127.16, 131.02, 131.43, 131.44, 131.51, 131.56, 131.57, 131.58, 133.07, 135.143, 145.01, 145.016, 145.017, 145.195, 145.201, 145.32, 145.33, 145.331, 145.332, 145.333, 145.35, 145.361, 145.38, 145.39, 145.41, 145.45, 145.46, 149.309, 149.311, 149.43, 151.01, 151.40, 153.12, 153.17, 153.54, 154.20, 164.02, 164.23, 164.24, 169.05, 169.07, 173.03, 173.06, 173.21, 173.39, 173.391, 173.51, 173.52, 173.521, 173.522, 173.54, 173.542, 173.544, 173.60, 174.01, 174.03, 174.05, 174.06, 174.07, 175.01, 175.02, 175.04, 175.05, 175.052, 175.053, 175.06, 175.07, 175.08, 175.09, 175.10, 175.11, 175.12, 175.13, 175.14, 175.15, 175.31, 175.32, 183.19, 184.02, 184.20, 301.27, 307.86, 307.861, 307.87, 307.90, 308.13, 308.21, 317.08, 317.13, 317.321, 319.202, 323.25, 323.69, 340.01, 340.02, 340.022, 340.03, 340.032, 340.033, 340.034, 340.035, 340.036, 340.04, 340.08, 340.30, 341.25, 349.01, 349.03, 349.04, 349.14, 504.12, 505.08, 505.37, 505.376, 511.01, 511.12, 515.01, 517.07, 517.271, 519.12, 519.25, 703.21, 715.18, 715.691, 715.70, 718.01, 718.02, 718.05, 718.27, 718.80, 718.82, 718.84, 718.85, 718.89, 725.01, 727.01, 731.141, 731.21, 731.22, 731.23, 731.231, 731.24, 731.26, 735.05, 737.03, 755.13, 907.27, 907.32, 926.18, 955.011, 956.11, 956.15, 991.02, 993.04, 1121.23, 1317.07, 1321.37, 1321.53, 1321.64, 1346.03, 1351.01, 1351.07, 1509.01, 1509.03, 1509.04, 1509.11, 1531.01, 1531.03, 1545.09, 1545.21, 1547.25, 1547.27, 1548.03, 1551.35, 1707.01, 1707.09, 1707.091, 1707.092, 1710.01, 1710.02, 1710.03, 1710.06, 1710.13, 1724.11, 1739.10, 1751.14, 1751.34, 1761.16, 1901.261, 1907.261, 2101.16, 2105.16, 2108.35, 2151.031, 2151.231, 2151.3515, 2151.3516, 2151.3517, 2151.3518, 2151.3528, 2151.3532, 2151.3534, 2151.421, 2151.423, 2152.26, 2303.081, 2303.201, 2305.113, 2329.27, 2913.46, 2917.14, 2919.171, 2919.202, 2927.02, 2927.023, 2929.18, 2929.28, 2929.34, 2930.11, 2930.16, 2935.01, 2945.37, 2945.38, 2967.16, 2967.193, 2967.194, 3101.08, 3103.03, 3109.15, 3109.16, 3109.17, 3109.172, 3109.178, 3109.53, 3109.66, 3111.01, 3111.04, 3111.041, 3111.06, 3111.07, 3111.111, 3111.15, 3111.21, 3111.22, 3111.23, 3111.29, 3111.31, 3111.38, 3111.381, 3111.44, 3111.48, 3111.49, 3111.71, 3111.72, 3111.78, 3119.01, 3119.023, 3119.06, 3119.07, 3121.29, 3123.89, 3123.90, 3125.18, 3301.071, 3301.0711, 3301.0714, 3301.0723, 3301.52, 3301.57, 3301.58, 3302.021, 3302.03, 3302.07, 3310.03, 3310.032, 3310.035, 3310.13, 3310.16, 3310.41, 3310.43, 3310.52, 3313.33, 3313.41, 3313.411, 3313.48, 3313.603, 3313.61, 3313.611, 3313.612, 3313.618, 3313.619, 3313.902, 3313.975, 3313.976, 3313.978, 3314.016, 3314.017, 3314.03, 3314.034, 3314.08, 3314.23, 3315.37, 3316.042, 3317.011, 3317.012, 3317.014, 3317.016, 3317.017, 3317.018, 3317.019, 3317.0110, 3317.02, 3317.021, 3317.022, 3317.024, 3317.026, 3317.0212, 3317.0213, 3317.0214, 3317.0215, 3317.0217, 3317.051, 3317.06, 3317.11, 3317.16, 3317.161, 3317.20, 3317.201, 3317.25, 3318.08, 3319.074, 3319.077, 3319.088, 3319.22, 3319.223, 3319.236, 3319.238, 3319.239, 3319.26, 3319.283, 3319.291, 3319.316, 3319.391, 3323.251, 3324.05, 3324.09, 3325.01, 3325.011, 3325.02, 3325.03, 3325.04, 3325.05, 3325.06, 3325.07, 3325.071, 3325.08, 3325.09, 3325.10, 3325.11, 3325.12, 3325.13, 3325.15, 3325.16, 3325.17, 3326.11, 3326.34, 3326.44, 3327.01, 3327.016, 3327.02, 3327.021, 3327.10, 3328.24, 3332.092, 3333.012, 3333.021, 3333.032, 3333.04, 3333.041, 3333.044, 3333.048, 3333.122, 3333.127, 3333.16, 3333.163, 3333.26, 3333.28, 3333.375, 3333.38, 3333.70, 3333.74, 3335.02, 3335.09, 3337.01, 3339.01, 3341.02, 3343.02, 3344.01, 3345.027, 3345.10, 3345.32, 3345.38, 3345.45, 3345.47, 3345.48, 3350.10, 3352.01, 3353.02, 3354.05, 3354.121, 3356.01, 3357.021, 3357.05, 3358.03, 3359.01, 3361.01, 3362.01, 3364.01, 3365.07, 3375.41, 3379.02, 3501.01, 3501.27, 3503.13, 3503.15, 3505.061, 3505.31, 3505.32, 3513.22, 3517.10, 3517.20, 3701.021, 3701.022, 3701.023, 3701.024, 3701.025, 3701.026, 3701.027, 3701.028, 3701.0210, 3701.242, 3701.501, 3701.507, 3701.508, 3701.509, 3701.68, 3701.741, 3701.78, 3701.953, 3702.511, 3702.52, 3702.532, 3702.54, 3702.544, 3702.55, 3702.57, 3702.60, 3702.61, 3702.87, 3702.92, 3702.987, 3704.14, 3705.091, 3705.17, 3706.01, 3706.12, 3711.14, 3714.073, 3721.01, 3721.026, 3722.04, 3722.07, 3725.05, 3727.17, 3727.44, 3733.41, 3733.43, 3733.431, 3733.45, 3733.46, 3733.47, 3733.471, 3734.01, 3734.57, 3734.74, 3734.822, 3734.83, 3734.85, 3734.901, 3737.02, 3737.83, 3737.88, 3737.882, 3740.01, 3742.32, 3745.015, 3745.11, 3745.30, 3746.13, 3770.03, 3770.071, 3770.99, 3772.01, 3772.031, 3773.33, 3775.01, 3775.02, 3775.07, 3794.03, 3794.09, 3796.02, 3796.03, 3796.032, 3796.05, 3796.06, 3796.061, 3796.08, 3796.10, 3796.11, 3796.12, 3796.13, 3796.14, 3796.15, 3796.16, 3796.17, 3796.19, 3796.20, 3796.22, 3796.23, 3796.27, 3796.30, 3901.021, 3901.07, 3901.071, 3901.321, 3905.471, 3913.13, 3913.23, 3919.19, 3921.28, 3923.24, 3923.241, 3929.56, 3930.13, 3931.08, 3951.01, 3959.12, 3964.03, 3964.13, 3964.15, 4104.33, 4105.17, 4109.05, 4109.22, 4112.32, 4113.52, 4117.14, 4117.15, 4121.443, 4141.21, 4141.22, 4141.241, 4141.28, 4141.31, 4141.43, 4301.19, 4301.441, 4301.26, 4301.62, 4303.184, 4303.2011, 4303.271, 4303.30, 4313.02, 4501.21, 4501.27, 4503.03, 4503.038, 4503.27, 4503.271, 4503.28, 4503.30, 4503.301, 4503.31, 4503.311, 4503.312, 4503.32, 4503.33, 4503.34, 4503.44, 4503.519, 4503.584, 4503.703, 4504.22, 4505.061, 4506.04, 4506.06, 4506.09, 4506.10, 4506.11, 4506.15, 4506.16, 4506.17, 4506.24, 4507.01, 4507.061, 4507.09, 4507.13, 4507.49, 4507.50, 4507.52, 4508.06, 4509.101, 4511.191, 4511.69, 4511.76, 4513.17, 4516.01, 4516.02, 4516.05, 4516.06, 4516.08, 4516.09, 4516.10, 4517.01, 4517.05, 4517.06, 4517.07, 4517.08, 4517.32, 4701.06, 4701.10, 4701.13, 4701.17, 4701.26, 4703.01, 4703.15, 4703.44, 4707.02, 4709.07, 4709.10, 4713.28, 4713.64, 4715.036, 4715.30, 4717.14, 4717.26, 4723.063, 4723.281, 4723.481, 4723.52, 4725.24, 4729.41, 4729.51, 4729.54, 4729.541, 4729.55, 4729.571, 4729.60, 4729.80, 4729.86, 4729.99, 4730.25, 4730.26, 4730.411, 4730.56, 4731.071, 4731.08, 4731.22, 4731.481, 4731.83, 4732.17, 4734.161, 4734.31, 4734.36, 4734.37, 4735.01, 4735.03, 4735.05, 4735.052, 4735.06, 4735.07, 4735.09, 4735.12, 4735.13, 4735.143, 4735.15, 4735.18, 4735.211, 4737.04, 4740.16, 4741.22, 4751.02, 4751.30, 4755.11, 4755.411, 4755.45, 4755.451, 4755.47, 4755.482, 4755.64, 4757.03, 4757.361, 4759.05, 4759.07, 4760.13, 4760.14, 4761.03, 4761.09, 4762.02, 4762.10, 4762.13, 4762.14, 4762.19, 4763.05, 4763.11, 4763.15, 4763.16, 4764.06, 4764.07, 4764.16, 4764.18, 4765.02, 4765.04, 4765.112, 4765.114, 4766.07, 4766.11, 4767.03, 4767.10, 4768.03, 4768.06, 4768.14, 4768.15, 4773.06, 4774.13, 4774.14, 4776.01, 4776.02, 4776.04, 4776.20, 4778.14, 4778.18, 4779.29, 4779.35, 4781.121, 4781.17, 4781.54, 4783.10, 4785.09, 4905.03, 4925.09, 4929.16, 4929.161, 4929.162, 4929.163, 4929.165, 4929.18, 5101.04, 5101.26, 5101.28, 5101.33, 5101.342, 5101.35, 5101.54, 5101.542, 5101.80, 5101.801, 5101.806, 5101.87, 5103.02, 5103.03, 5103.032, 5103.033, 5103.036, 5103.0313, 5103.0314, 5103.0322, 5103.0323, 5103.0326, 5103.05, 5103.18, 5103.181, 5103.20, 5103.37, 5103.391, 5103.41, 5103.422, 5103.50, 5104.015, 5104.017, 5104.018, 5104.02, 5104.042, 5104.29, 5104.31, 5107.36, 5107.54, 5107.58, 5119.01, 5119.19, 5119.33, 5119.34, 5119.35, 5119.36, 5119.363, 5119.37, 5119.48, 5119.61, 5119.90, 5119.99, 5123.0412, 5123.0419, 5123.19, 5123.35, 5123.60, 5123.601, 5123.603, 5124.01, 5124.15, 5124.45, 5124.70, 5126.021, 5145.161, 5145.163, 5149.101, 5149.38, 5153.122, 5153.123, 5153.124, 5153.127, 5153.16, 5153.161, 5153.162, 5153.17, 5160.35, 5160.40, 5160.45, 5162.01, 5162.07, 5162.364, 5162.70, 5163.06, 5164.02, 5164.34, 5164.341, 5164.342, 5164.35, 5164.36, 5164.38, 5164.60, 5164.72, 5164.78, 5165.01, 5165.109, 5165.15, 5165.151, 5165.152, 5165.16, 5165.19, 5165.192, 5165.26, 5165.36, 5165.52, 5165.521, 5165.525, 5165.526, 5165.528, 5165.771, 5165.87, 5166.01, 5166.02, 5166.16, 5166.30, 5166.32, 5166.37, 5167.12, 5168.02, 5168.14, 5168.26, 5301.80, 5301.90, 5301.91, 5315.02, 5321.01, 5502.262, 5502.701, 5502.702, 5512.07, 5537.17, 5549.21, 5555.61, 5595.01, 5595.03, 5595.04, 5595.05, 5595.06, 5703.03, 5703.052, 5703.056, 5703.21, 5703.37, 5703.53, 5703.77, 5705.01, 5705.391, 5709.40, 5709.48, 5709.481, 5709.49, 5709.50, 5709.51, 5709.73, 5709.78, 5709.83, 5711.29, 5713.03, 5715.01, 5715.012, 5721.14, 5721.18, 5725.05, 5725.98, 5726.01, 5726.04, 5726.56, 5726.98, 5727.28, 5727.30, 5727.42, 5727.47, 5727.75, 5727.91, 5729.98, 5731.27, 5733.031, 5735.024, 5735.04, 5735.041, 5735.042, 5735.043, 5735.044, 5736.07, 5739.01, 5739.02, 5739.03, 5739.05, 5739.08, 5739.09, 5739.19, 5739.30, 5741.11, 5743.01, 5743.021, 5743.025, 5743.03, 5743.05, 5743.15, 5743.33, 5743.51, 5743.52, 5743.53, 5743.54, 5743.55, 5743.56, 5743.57, 5743.59, 5743.60, 5743.61, 5743.62, 5743.63, 5743.64, 5747.01, 5747.02, 5747.025, 5747.05, 5747.06, 5747.07, 5747.072, 5747.11, 5747.13, 5747.501, 5747.53, 5747.73, 5747.75, 5747.98, 5749.06, 5749.17, 5751.01, 5751.02, 5751.03, 5751.04, 5751.05, 5751.051, 5751.06, 5751.08, 5751.091, 5751.51, 5751.98, 5753.021, 5753.031, 5813.06, 5902.09, 5910.01, 5910.02, 5910.031, 5910.032, 5910.04, 5910.05, 5910.06, 5910.07, 5910.08, 5913.01, 5922.01, 5923.12, 6119.10, and 6131.43; to amend, for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses, sections 107.035 (107.034), 113.41 (125.903), 125.22 (126.42), 126.021 (126.023), 718.021 (718.17), 731.26 (731.25), 2151.3534 (2151.3527), 3333.03 (3333.01), 3727.44 (3727.34), 5103.422 (5103.42), and 5902.09 (5119.20); to enact new sections 107.035, 126.021, 718.021, 3313.482, and 3333.045 and sections 5.2320, 5.55, 9.17, 9.681, 101.55, 107.13, 107.22, 107.23, 107.24, 109.113, 109.461, 111.11, 117.092, 119.05, 121.376, 122.4032, 122.631, 122.632, 122.633, 122.852, 125.036, 125.183, 145.196, 145.335, 149.3010, 173.394, 173.525, 175.16, 175.17, 175.20, 182.02, 191.01, 191.02, 191.03, 191.05, 191.07, 191.10, 191.13, 191.15, 191.17, 191.19, 191.21, 191.24, 191.27, 191.30, 191.33, 191.35, 191.37, 191.40, 191.43, 191.44, 191.45, 303.65, 503.59, 504.121, 504.122, 504.123, 504.124, 504.125, 504.126, 519.26, 713.16, 715.693, 718.821, 1349.09, 1501.014, 1501.16, 1509.051, 1546.24, 1546.32, 1715.551, 1901.313, 1907.202, 2151.3533, 2152.261, 2329.261, 3109.054, 3119.95, 3119.951, 3119.953, 3119.955, 3119.957, 3119.9511, 3119.9513, 3119.9515, 3119.9517, 3119.9519, 3119.9523, 3119.9525, 3119.9527, 3119.9529, 3119.9531, 3119.9533, 3119.9535, 3119.9537, 3119.9539, 3119.9541, 3301.0727, 3301.0731, 3301.85, 3302.0310, 3302.111, 3309.363, 3310.08, 3310.581, 3313.5319, 3313.6028, 3313.6029, 3313.6030, 3313.6413, 3313.7117, 3313.831, 3313.901, 3313.984, 3314.104, 3314.381, 3314.382, 3317.163, 3317.26, 3319.0812, 3319.2210, 3319.2213, 3322.20, 3322.24, 3327.102, 3333.129, 3333.24, 3333.261, 3333.303, 3335.39, 3345.029, 3345.0216, 3345.0217, 3345.0218, 3345.382, 3345.451, 3345.452, 3345.453, 3345.454, 3345.455, 3345.591, 3345.60, 3345.80, 3345.87, 3357.131, 3364.07, 3503.151, 3503.152, 3503.153, 3701.25, 3701.251, 3701.252, 3701.253, 3701.254, 3701.255, 3702.3012, 3706.051, 3727.25, 3727.31, 3727.32, 3727.33, 3727.34, 3734.48, 3734.579, 3737.833, 3781.032, 3781.062, 3792.05, 4112.33, 4112.34, 4141.211, 4303.188, 4507.501, 4511.765, 4517.35, 4731.37, 4925.11, 4928.85, 4928.86, 4928.88, 4928.89, 4934.01, 4934.03, 4934.05, 4934.08, 4934.11, 5101.136, 5101.137, 5101.331, 5101.546, 5101.547, 5101.549, 5101.75, 5101.805, 5101.98, 5103.021, 5119.334, 5119.343, 5119.367, 5119.39, 5119.391, 5119.392, 5119.393, 5119.394, 5119.395, 5119.396, 5119.397, 5124.75, 5126.0223, 5162.137, 5162.138, 5163.063, 5163.103, 5163.51, 5164.092, 5164.913, 5167.35, 5167.50, 5301.256, 5301.94, 5323.10, 5502.69, 5595.041, 5595.042, 5705.2114, 5709.56, 5725.36, 5725.37, 5726.58, 5726.59, 5726.60, 5728.16, 5729.19, 5729.20, 5739.093, 5739.41, 5743.06, 5747.67, 5747.83, 5747.84, 5747.85, 5751.55, 5910.021, and 6301.13; and to repeal sections 101.38, 107.034, 117.464, 117.465, 117.471, 117.472, 121.371, 121.372, 121.374, 121.83, 122.65, 122.651, 122.652, 122.653, 122.654, 122.655, 122.656, 122.657, 122.658, 122.659, 122.99, 123.14, 126.231, 131.38, 175.03, 184.03, 340.20, 505.103, 717.21, 731.25, 907.30, 2151.3529, 2151.3535, 3107.018, 3111.40, 3121.46, 3302.039, 3313.482, 3317.0218, 3317.162, 3318.50, 3318.52, 3325.14, 3333.01, 3333.011, 3333.02, 3333.045, 3333.12, 3333.167, 3333.731, 3333.80, 3333.801, 3333.802, 3702.541, 3720.041, 3727.42, 3727.43, 3727.45, 3733.49, 3737.883, 3745.40, 3796.04, 4141.031, 4729.553, 4731.112, 4762.11, 4762.12, 4781.02, 5101.143, 5103.301, 5103.31, 5103.33, 5103.34, 5103.35, 5103.36, 5103.361, 5103.362, 5103.363, 5103.38, 5103.42, 5103.421, 5103.51, 5119.191, 5119.361, 5123.195, 5124.39, 5126.38, 5163.52, 5164.05, 5166.12, 5166.14, 5166.141, 5167.102, 5726.041, 5743.511, 5743.521, 5743.621, 5743.631, 6133.15, and 6301.12 of the Revised Code; to amend Section 4 of S.B. 1 of the 134th General Assembly as subsequently amended and codify it as section 3319.102 of the Revised Code; to amend Section 3 of S.B. 166 of the 134th General Assembly and codify it as section 4123.345 of the Revised Code; to amend Section 5 of H.B. 123 of the 133rd General Assembly as subsequently amended and codify it as section 3317.22 of the Revised Code; to amend the versions of sections 109.77, 173.21, 173.391, 1321.64, 3301.071, 3319.088, 3319.22, 3319.26, 3327.10, 3704.14, 3737.83, 4701.06, 4701.10, 4709.07, 4709.10, 4713.28, 4735.07, 4735.09, 4755.411, 4755.45, 4755.451, 4755.482, 4759.05, 4763.05, and 4781.17 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023, and the versions of sections 111.15, 3702.52, 3702.55, 3711.14, 4723.481, and 4730.411 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect September 30, 2024, to continue the changes on and after those effective dates; to repeal the version of section 4740.05 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023; to repeal the repeal of section 4740.08 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023, and to amend section 4740.08 of the Revised Code effective on December 29, 2023; to repeal section 5126.022 of the Revised Code on July 1, 2025; to repeal section 175.051 of the Revised Code on January 1, 2024; to amend the version of section 4717.09 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on December 31, 2024; to repeal the versions of sections 4717.01, 4717.02, 4717.03, 4717.04, 4717.06, 4717.07, 4717.08, 4717.11, 4717.13, 4717.15, 4717.36, and 4717.41 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on December 31, 2024; to amend sections 121.02, 121.03, 121.35, 121.37, 121.40, 3109.15, 3109.16, 3109.17, 3109.179, 5101.34, 5101.341, and 5101.342 and to enact sections 5180.01 and 5180.02 of the Revised Code and, on January 1, 2025, to amend sections 9.55, 103.60, 109.65, 109.746, 121.37, 131.33, 131.41, 135.79, 153.39, 307.98, 307.981, 329.04, 2151.011, 2151.152, 2151.281, 2151.316, 2151.353, 2151.3519, 2151.3534, 2151.36, 2151.39, 2151.412, 2151.413, 2151.416, 2151.421, 2151.429, 2151.4228, 2151.4229, 2151.4230, 2151.4231, 2151.4232, 2151.4233, 2151.452, 2151.454, 2151.84, 2151.86, 2151.90, 2151.904, 2151.9010, 2152.192, 2705.02, 2950.08, 2950.11, 2950.13, 3101.041, 3107.012, 3107.013, 3107.014, 3107.015, 3107.016, 3107.017, 3107.031, 3107.032, 3107.033, 3107.034, 3107.035, 3107.051, 3107.081, 3107.083, 3107.09, 3107.091, 3107.10, 3107.101, 3107.12, 3107.13, 3107.141, 3107.17, 3107.39, 3109.172, 3109.174, 3109.401, 3301.079, 3301.0714, 3301.0715, 3301.0723, 3301.15, 3301.30, 3301.311, 3301.32, 3301.50, 3301.53, 3301.55, 3301.56, 3301.57, 3301.58, 3301.59, 3301.94, 3313.64, 3313.646, 3314.03, 3314.06, 3314.08, 3323.022, 3323.20, 3323.32, 3325.06, 3325.07, 3701.507, 3701.61, 3701.611, 3701.612, 3701.613, 3701.614, 3701.63, 3701.64, 3701.66, 3701.67, 3701.671, 3701.68, 3701.78, 3701.80, 3701.95, 3701.951, 3701.952, 3701.953, 3701.97, 3705.32, 3705.36, 3705.40, 3737.22, 3742.32, 3781.06, 3781.10, 3798.01, 4112.12, 5101.09, 5101.11, 5101.111, 5101.12, 5101.13, 5101.132, 5101.134, 5101.135, 5101.14, 5101.141, 5101.142, 5101.145, 5101.146, 5101.147, 5101.148, 5101.1410, 5101.1411, 5101.1412, 5101.1413, 5101.1414, 5101.1417, 5101.1418, 5101.15, 5101.183, 5101.19, 5101.191, 5101.193, 5101.194, 5101.21, 5101.214, 5101.216, 5101.22, 5101.221, 5101.23, 5101.24, 5101.243, 5101.244, 5101.25, 5101.26, 5101.27, 5101.29, 5101.32, 5101.35, 5101.37, 5101.46, 5101.47, 5101.76, 5101.77, 5101.78, 5101.80, 5101.801, 5101.802, 5101.803, 5101.804, 5101.83, 5101.851, 5101.853, 5101.855, 5101.856, 5101.881, 5101.885, 5101.8811, 5103.02, 5103.03, 5103.031, 5103.032, 5103.033, 5103.034, 5103.036, 5103.037, 5103.038, 5103.0310, 5103.0312, 5103.0313, 5103.0314, 5103.0315, 5103.0316, 5103.0317, 5103.0319, 5103.0320, 5103.0321, 5103.0322, 5103.0323, 5103.0325, 5103.0326, 5103.0328, 5103.0329, 5103.04, 5103.05, 5103.051, 5103.07, 5103.08, 5103.11, 5103.12, 5103.13, 5103.131, 5103.14, 5103.151, 5103.152, 5103.155, 5103.16, 5103.163, 5103.17, 5103.18, 5103.181, 5103.21, 5103.22, 5103.232, 5103.233, 5103.30, 5103.303, 5103.32, 5103.39, 5103.391, 5103.40, 5103.41, 5103.50, 5103.52, 5103.53, 5103.54, 5103.58, 5103.59, 5103.602, 5103.603, 5103.6010, 5103.6011, 5103.6015, 5103.6017, 5103.6018, 5103.611, 5103.612, 5103.615, 5103.617, 5104.01, 5104.013, 5104.015, 5104.016, 5104.017, 5104.018, 5104.019, 5104.0111, 5104.0112, 5104.02, 5104.021, 5104.022, 5104.03, 5104.034, 5104.038, 5104.04, 5104.041, 5104.042, 5104.043, 5104.05, 5104.052, 5104.053, 5104.054, 5104.06, 5104.07, 5104.08, 5104.081, 5104.10, 5104.12, 5104.13, 5104.14, 5104.21, 5104.211, 5104.22, 5104.25, 5104.29, 5104.30, 5104.301, 5104.31, 5104.32, 5104.33, 5104.34, 5104.36, 5104.38, 5104.382, 5104.39, 5104.42, 5104.44, 5107.24, 5123.02, 5123.024, 5123.026, 5123.0421, 5123.0422, 5123.0423, 5139.39, 5153.01, 5153.111, 5153.113, 5153.121, 5153.122, 5153.123, 5153.124, 5153.14, 5153.16, 5153.163, 5153.166, 5153.17, 5153.175, 5153.20, 5153.21, 5153.22, 5153.27, 5153.29, 5153.30, 5153.32, 5153.35, 5153.36, 5153.38, 5153.49, 5153.52, 5160.011, 5162.11, 5162.135, 5164.15, 5166.01, and 5167.16; to amend, for the purpose of adopting new section numbers as indicated in parentheses, sections 3301.90 (5104.50), 3701.61 (5180.21), 3701.611 (5180.22), 3701.612 (5180.23), 3701.613 (5180.24), 3701.614 (5180.25), 3701.63 (5180.14), 3701.64 (5180.15), 3701.66 (5180.16), 3701.67 (5180.17), 3701.671 (5180.18), 3701.68 (5180.10), 3701.95 (5180.20), 3701.951 (5180.11), 3701.952 (5180.19), 3701.953 (5180.13), 3701.97 (5180.12), 5123.024 (5180.31), 5123.0421 (5180.32), 5123.0422 (5180.34), and 5123.0423 (5180.33); to enact sections 5104.51, 5104.52, and 5180.30; and to repeal section 3301.521 of the Revised Code; to amend sections 109.57, 349.01, 921.06, 1923.01, 1923.02, 2151.011, 2151.421, 2151.86, 2919.223, 2919.224, 2919.225, 2919.226, 2923.124, 2923.126, 2950.034, 2950.11, 2950.13, 3109.051, 3301.52, 3301.53, 3321.01, 3321.05, 3325.07, 3325.071, 3701.63, 3701.80, 3714.03, 3717.42, 3728.01, 3737.22, 3737.83, 3737.841, 3742.01, 3767.41, 3781.06, 3781.10, 3796.30, 3797.06, 3905.064, 4510.021, 4511.01, 4511.81, 4513.182, 4715.36, 5101.29, 5103.03, 5104.01, 5104.013, 5104.014, 5104.015, 5104.016, 5104.017, 5104.018, 5104.0111, 5104.02, 5104.021, 5104.022, 5104.03, 5104.032, 5104.033, 5104.034, 5104.037, 5104.038, 5104.039, 5104.04, 5104.041, 5104.042, 5104.043, 5104.05, 5104.051, 5104.052, 5104.053, 5104.054, 5104.06, 5104.07, 5104.08, 5104.09, 5104.13, 5104.14, 5104.25, 5104.30, 5104.301, 5104.31, 5104.32, 5104.35, 5104.36, 5104.99, 5107.60, 5119.37, 5119.371, 5153.175, 5321.01, 5321.03, 5321.051, 5709.65, 5733.36, 5733.37, 5733.38, and 6109.121 of the Revised Code and to amend the versions of sections 921.06, 3737.83, and 3781.10 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023, and the version of section 3701.63 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect September 30, 2024, to continue the changes on and after those effective dates; to amend sections 127.15, 173.03, 753.19, 1121.38, 1509.06, 1513.071, 1513.08, 1513.16, 1565.12, 1571.05, 1571.08, 1571.10, 1571.14, 1571.15, 1571.16, 1707.02, 1707.04, 1707.042, 1707.091, 1707.11, 1707.43, 1733.16, 2941.401, 3111.23, 3301.05, 3302.04, 3310.521, 3313.41, 3313.818, 3314.21, 3319.081, 3319.11, 3319.16, 3319.291, 3319.311, 3321.13, 3321.21, 3704.03, 3734.02, 3734.021, 3734.575, 3746.09, 3752.11, 3772.031, 3772.04, 3772.11, 3772.12, 3772.13, 3772.131, 3781.08, 3781.11, 3781.25, 3781.29, 3781.342, 3904.08, 4121.19, 4123.512, 4123.52, 4125.03, 4141.09, 4141.47, 4167.10, 4301.17, 4301.30, 4303.24, 4507.081, 4508.021, 4509.101, 4510.41, 4735.13, 4735.14, 5107.161, 5120.14, 5165.193, 5165.86, 5166.303, 5168.08, 5168.22, 5168.23, 5525.01, 5709.83, 5736.041, and 5751.40; to enact sections 1509.031 and 3745.019; to repeal section 5123.195 of the Revised Code and to amend the versions of sections 3772.13 and 3772.131 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023, to continue the changes on and after that effective date; to amend sections 5.224, 5.281, 9.231, 9.55, 102.02, 109.57, 109.572, 109.64, 109.65, 109.71, 109.72, 109.746, 113.73, 117.46, 121.02, 121.03, 121.35, 121.37, 121.40, 121.95, 124.15, 124.382, 124.384, 125.05, 125.13, 133.06, 133.061, 135.142, 149.331, 175.30, 197.04, 319.301, 901.71, 921.06, 2151.011, 2151.353, 2151.357, 2151.362, 2305.111, 2901.01, 2903.13, 2907.03, 2917.31, 2917.46, 2923.122, 2925.01, 2950.11, 2953.34, 3301.01, 3301.07, 3301.071, 3301.072, 3301.075, 3301.076, 3301.078, 3301.079, 3301.0710, 3301.0711, 3301.0712, 3301.0713, 3301.0714, 3301.0715, 3301.0716, 3301.0717, 3301.0718, 3301.0719, 3301.0720, 3301.0721, 3301.0723, 3301.0725, 3301.0726, 3301.0728, 3301.0730, 3301.10, 3301.11, 3301.12, 3301.121, 3301.131, 3301.133, 3301.134, 3301.135, 3301.136, 3301.14, 3301.15, 3301.16, 3301.162, 3301.163, 3301.18, 3301.19, 3301.22, 3301.221, 3301.23, 3301.27, 3301.28, 3301.30, 3301.311, 3301.40, 3301.45, 3301.49, 3301.52, 3301.521, 3301.53, 3301.54, 3301.541, 3301.55, 3301.56, 3301.57, 3301.58, 3301.59, 3301.61, 3301.62, 3301.63, 3301.64, 3301.68, 3301.70, 3301.80, 3301.81, 3301.923, 3301.94, 3301.941, 3301.948, 3302.01, 3302.02, 3302.021, 3302.03, 3302.031, 3302.032, 3302.033, 3302.034, 3302.035, 3302.036, 3302.037, 3302.038, 3302.04, 3302.041, 3302.042, 3302.043, 3302.05, 3302.06, 3302.062, 3302.063, 3302.066, 3302.068, 3302.07, 3302.09, 3302.10, 3302.103, 3302.11, 3302.13, 3302.14, 3302.15, 3302.151, 3302.17, 3302.20, 3302.21, 3302.22, 3302.25, 3302.26, 3302.41, 3302.42, 3303.02, 3303.04, 3303.05, 3303.06, 3303.20, 3304.12, 3307.01, 3307.05, 3307.31, 3309.011, 3309.48, 3309.491, 3309.51, 3310.01, 3310.02, 3310.03, 3310.031, 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3781.11, 3798.01, 4109.01, 4109.06, 4109.07, 4109.22, 4112.04, 4112.12, 4117.10, 4117.102, 4141.01, 4141.47, 4506.09, 4506.10, 4507.21, 4508.01, 4511.21, 4511.75, 4511.76, 4709.07, 4709.10, 4713.02, 4732.10, 4735.09, 4742.02, 4742.03, 4742.05, 4742.06, 4742.07, 4743.03, 4747.10, 4757.41, 4758.61, 4779.13, 5101.061, 5101.34, 5103.02, 5103.08, 5103.13, 5103.55, 5104.01, 5104.015, 5104.02, 5104.053, 5104.08, 5104.29, 5104.30, 5107.281, 5107.287, 5107.40, 5107.62, 5120.031, 5120.07, 5120.091, 5123.022, 5123.023, 5123.025, 5123.026, 5123.0423, 5126.04, 5126.05, 5126.23, 5126.24, 5139.34, 5145.06, 5162.363, 5162.365, 5502.262, 5502.263, 5513.04, 5703.21, 5705.216, 5705.391, 5705.412, 5709.07, 5709.92, 5715.26, 5715.34, 5747.057, 5747.72, 5753.11, 6109.21, 6301.04, 6301.11, 6301.111, 6301.112, 6301.15, 6301.21, 6301.22, and 6301.23; to enact new section 3301.13 and sections 3301.0732, 3301.111, 3301.132, 3301.137, 3301.138, and 3321.042; and to repeal sections 3301.13, 3302.101, and 3302.102 of the Revised Code; and to amend the versions of sections 921.06, 3301.071, 3309.011, 3319.22, 3319.229, 3319.262, 3319.28, 3319.361, 3327.10, 4709.07, 4709.10, 4732.10, 4735.09, and 4747.10 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023; to amend the version of section 3701.351 that is scheduled to take effect September 30, 2024; to repeal the versions of sections 3727.70 and 4723.431 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect September 30, 2024; to amend Sections 130.11 and 130.12 as subsequently amended of H.B. 110 of the 134th General Assembly; to amend sections 2743.671, 2907.13, 2907.231, 2925.11, 2929.20, 2930.06, 2930.171, 2930.20, 2935.10, 2953.31, 2953.32, 2953.33, 2953.34, 2953.39, 2967.131, 2967.26, 4511.204, and 4731.862 of the Revised Code; to amend sections 3701.89, 4730.25, 4730.32, 4731.22, 4731.224, 4731.252, 4731.253, 4731.254, 4759.07, 4759.13, 4760.13, 4760.16, 4761.09, 4761.19, 4762.13, 4762.16, 4774.13, 4774.16, 4778.14, and 4778.17; to enact new sections 4731.25 and 4731.251 and section 4731.255; and to repeal sections 4731.25 and 4731.251 of the Revised Code; to amend sections 4730.14, 4730.25, 4730.28, 4731.22, 4731.222, 4731.282, 4759.06, 4759.063, 4759.07, 4760.061, 4760.13, 4761.06, 4761.061, 4761.09, 4762.061, 4762.13, 4774.061, 4774.13, 4778.06, 4778.071, and 4778.14 and to enact sections 4730.141, 4731.283, 4759.064, 4760.062, 4761.062, 4762.062, 4774.062, and 4778.072 of the Revised Code and to amend the version of section 4759.06 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023, to continue the change on and after that effective date; to amend sections 113.05, 113.11, 113.12, 113.40, 125.30, 126.06, 127.14, 129.06, 29.09, 131.01, 135.01, 135.02, 135.04, 135.05, 135.06, 135.08, 135.10, 135.12, 135.14, 135.142, 135.143, 135.15, 135.182, 135.31, 135.35, 135.45, 135.46, 135.47, 718.01, 1111.04, 1112.12, 1315.54, 1345.01, 1501.10, 1503.05, 1509.07, 1509.225, 1514.04, 1514.05, 1521.061, 1548.06, 1733.04, 1733.24, 1735.03, 2109.37, 2109.372, 2109.44, 3314.50, 3366.05, 3737.945, 3903.73, 3905.32, 3916.01, 3925.26, 4141.241, 4505.06, 4509.62, 4509.63, 4509.65, 4509.67, 4710.03, 4749.01, 4763.13, 5725.17, 5725.22, 5727.25, 5727.31, 5727.311, 5727.42, 5727.47, 5727.53, 5727.81, 5727.811, 5727.82, 5727.83, 5733.022, 5735.03, 5735.062, 5739.031, 5739.032, 5739.07, 5743.05, 5743.051, 5743.15, 5745.03, 5745.04, 5745.041, 5747.059, 5747.07, 5747.072, 5747.42, 5747.44, 5747.451, and 5815.37; to enact new sections 135.61, 135.62, 135.63, 135.64, 135.65, 135.66, 135.70, and 135.71 and sections 113.22, 135.621, 135.622, 135.623, 135.624, 135.625, 135.701, 135.702, 135.703, 135.704, 135.705, 169.053, and 1501.04; and to repeal sections 113.061, 113.07, 129.02, 129.03, 129.08, 129.10, 129.11, 129.12, 129.13, 129.14, 129.15, 129.16, 129.18, 129.19, 129.20, 129.72, 129.73, 129.74, 129.75, 129.76, 135.101, 135.102, 135.103, 135.104, 135.105, 135.106, 135.61, 135.62, 135.63, 135.64, 135.65, 135.66, 135.67, 135.68, 135.69, 135.70, 135.71, 135.72, 135.73, 135.74, 135.75, 135.76, 135.77, 135.771, 135.772, 135.773, 135.774, 135.78, 135.79, 135.791, 135.792, 135.793, 135.794, 135.795, 135.796, 135.81, 135.82, 135.83, 135.84, 135.85, 135.86, 135.87, 135.91, 135.92, 135.93, 135.94, 135.95, 135.96, 135.97, 144.01, 144.02, 144.03, 144.04, 144.05, 144.06, and 144.07 of the Revised Code; to amend sections 2305.234, 2305.51, 2925.01, 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.11, 2925.12, 2925.14, 2925.23, 2925.36, 2925.55, 2925.56, 2929.42, 3701.048, 3701.74, 3709.161, 3715.50, 3715.501, 3715.502, 3715.503, 3715.872, 3719.06, 3719.064, 3719.121, 3719.13, 3719.81, 4729.01, 4729.51, 4729.553, 4731.051, 4731.07, 4731.071, 4731.22, 4731.224, 4731.24, 4731.25, 4731.251, 4734.99, 4743.09, 4755.48, 4755.623, 4765.51, 4769.01, 4776.01, 5123.47, 5164.95, and 5903.12; to enact sections 4772.01, 4772.02, 4772.03, 4772.04, 4772.041, 4772.05, 4772.06, 4772.07, 4772.08, 4772.081, 4772.082, 4772.09, 4772.091, 4772.092, 4772.10, 4772.11, 4772.12, 4772.13, 4772.14, 4772.15, 4772.19, 4772.20, 4772.201, 4772.202, 4772.203, 4772.21, 4772.22, 4772.23, 4772.24, 4772.25, 4772.26, 4772.27, 4772.28, and 4772.99 of the Revised Code and to amend the version of section 4755.48 that is scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023, to continue the changes on and after that effective date; to amend Sections 2, 3, and 8 of H.B. 509 of the 134th General Assembly; to amend Section 5 of H.B. 554 of the 134th General Assembly; to amend Sections 207.14, 207.22, and 237.13 as subsequently amended of H.B. 597 of the 134th General Assembly; to amend Sections 213.10, 215.10, 215.15, 223.10 as subsequently amended, 223.15 as subsequently amended, 237.10 as subsequently amended, and 237.13 as subsequently amended of H.B. 687 of the 134th General Assembly; to amend Sections 280.12, 285.12, and 287.10 of H.B. 45 of the 134th General Assembly; to amend Section 733.61 of H.B. 166 of the 133rd General Assembly, as subsequently amended; to amend Sections 125.10 and 125.11 of H.B. 59 of the 130th General Assembly, as subsequently amended; to amend Sections 207.10 and 207.20 of H.B. 23 of the 135th General Assembly that are scheduled to take effect July 1, 2023; and to repeal Section 5 of H.B. 29 of the 134th General Assembly; to repeal Section 5 of H.B. 371 of the 134th General Assembly; to repeal Section 3 of H.B. 669 of the 133rd General Assembly; to amend Section 3.19 of H.B. 95 of the 125th General Assembly as subsequently amended; to repeal Section 5 of S.B. 202 of the 134th General Assembly; and to repeal Section 21 of H.B. 790 of the 120th General Assembly to make operating appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2025, to levy taxes, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs.
Current Version
Effective Date
July 4, 2023
Operating appropriations effective July 4, 2023. Other provisions generally effective October 3, 2023. Some provisions subject to special effective dates.

Senate Conference Committee on H.B. 33
House Finance Committee
Senate Finance Committee
Primary Sponsors
Jay Edwards
Andrew O. Brenner
Jerry C. Cirino
Matt Dolan
Theresa Gavarone
Bob D. Hackett
Frank Hoagland
Stephen A. Huffman
Terry Johnson
George F. Lang
Rob McColley
Bill Reineke
Kristina D. Roegner
Mark Romanchuk
Michael A. Rulli
Tim Schaffer
Shane Wilkin
Munira Abdullahi
Cindy Abrams
Rachel B. Baker
Sean P. Brennan
Juanita O. Brent
Darnell T. Brewer
Richard D. Brown
Jamie Callender
Sara P. Carruthers
Al Cutrona
Richard Dell'Aquila
Sedrick Denson
Dave Dobos
Tavia Galonski
Haraz N. Ghanbari
Michele Grim
Brett Hudson Hillyer
Latyna M. Humphrey
Don Jones
Jeff LaRe
Beth Liston
Mike Loychik
Jessica E. Miranda
Ismail Mohamed
Scott Oelslager
Gail K. Pavliga
Tracy M. Richardson
Monica Robb Blasdel
Phillip M. Robinson, Jr.
Elgin Rogers, Jr.
Jean Schmidt
Anita Somani
Dick Stein
D. J. Swearingen
Bride Rose Sweeney
Cecil Thomas
Daniel P. Troy
Terrence Upchurch
Casey Weinstein
Josh Williams
Bob Young