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Cirino and Callender Announce Funding for Fairport Harbor Dredging

April 4, 2022
Jerry C. Cirino News
COLUMBUS - State Senator Jerry C. Cirino (R-Kirtland) and State Representative Jamie Callender (R-Concord) announced today that the state has awarded an $11.3 million grant to the Lake County Economic Development Board for the Fairport Harbor sediment processing facility to be located near the Grand River in Lake County. This grant will enable more regular dredging by the Army Corps of Engineers and the proper processing of dredged materials.

Shipping is a vital part of Ohio’s economy. Fairport Harbor handles two million tons of cargo every year. Ohio’s four commercial harbors on Lake Erie support 187,000 jobs and $34.7 billion in annual business revenue. This repurposing of dredged materials also supports keeping Lake Erie clean. In years past, dredged materials were deposited in the Lake without any processing.

"This is a significant investment in protecting Ohio’s shipping industry," said Cirino. "This is good for Ohio and for Lake County. This grant is the result of a bipartisan effort in the House and Senate and I would like to thank my colleagues Senator Kenny Yuko, who also represents Lake County with me, and Senate Finance Chair Matt Dolan for their support of this important project," concluded Cirino.

The $11.3 million grant is Fairport Harbor’s share of the $45 million the state Controlling Board awarded today to four harbors on Lake Erie.

"This project will help keep the Grand River navigable and this helps all of the surrounding communities thrive," said Callender. “This is the type of success Lake County can have when we all work together." Cirino and Callender also point out that this grant was also made possible with the tremendous support of Governor Mike DeWine, the Ohio Department of Natural resources and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

The grant request came from the Lake County Economic Development Board and the Lake County Board of Commissioners who were looking out for the economic interests of their community. "This was a real team effort and we want to thank Lake County Commissioners John Hamercheck, John Plecnik and Ron Young as well as Lake County Economic Development Director Dave Anderson and County Administrator Jason Boyd for their hard work and diligence in bringing this matter to the legislature in the first place," commented Cirino and Callender.