Cirino Meets with Lake County Commissioners to Discuss Budget Details
COLUMBUS - Senator Jerry C. Cirino (R-Kirtland) met with Lake County Commissioners John Hamercheck and Rich Regovich on Wednesday to give an update on the recently passed state budget. Cirino provided an overview and insider look at the major components of the budget, which you can read here. The senator also reviewed with commissioners the major projects for Lake County that he and Rep. Jamie Callender have worked to make happen.
In reviewing the historic budget just passed by lawmakers and signed by the governor, Cirino detailed how it will make sure that Ohio continues to grow its economy and be a great place to raise a family and own a business.
Key elements reviewed were:
- Historic tax relief of $3 billion in the form of lower rates, fewer brackets and a sales tax holiday in August of 2024 which will give back excess funds to taxpayers.
- Elimination of the commercial activity tax(CAT) for over 90% of businesses paying it today. This will be a huge gain for small and medium-sized businesses in Lake County and all around Ohio.
- Record funding for K-12 schools and a greatly expanded school choice program for all state-chartered private schools.
- Major funding and new reforms for state-supported higher education institutions.
- Addition of the Strategic Investment Fund which will use one-time money to help communities prepare for economic growth opportunities.
- Funding that Senator Cirino pushed for Lake County: $100K for Success for autism in Wickliffe, $5 million for the Bacon Road Pump Station, and $3 million for remediation of the Mentor Harbor Erosion project and $500,000 for A.W.T. STEM support.
After their meeting, the Commissioners thanked Senator Cirino for his hard work as Vice Chair of the Finance Committee in the Senate and for his ceaseless efforts to improve Lake County.
"As a former County Commissioner, and now Senator, the best interests of Lake County are in the very capable hands of Senator Jerry Cirino," said Commissioner Hamercheck. "He is a professional who has risen through the ranks of the Ohio Senate very quickly and that can only be good for the Lake County Community."
"This really is a historic budget that will be great for Ohio and for our Lake County community," noted Commissioner Regovich after reviewing the budget details. "Senator Cirino has demonstrated his commitment to our community and has been a major contributor to stable government in Lake County."
Finally, Senator Cirino reviewed the continued prospects for Senate Bill 83, which was not included in the budget for technical reasons. Cirino noted in his discussion with the Commissioners that SB 83 is a solid, conservative bill which will protect and encourage free speech on campuses and will counter the liberal bias that everyone knows to exist. Cirino noted that the bill will be revisited in the House in September and he expects it to pass.
The Senator thanked the Commissioners for their constructive input and direction during the budget process and promised to keep them up to date. Senator Cirino believes that a good working relationship with the County Commissioners serves the community best. "I appreciate the spirit of cooperation that Commissioners Hamercheck and Regovich have shown," said Cirino. "This relationship made it easier to secure funding for many Lake County projects," he concluded.