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Ohio Senate Passes Cirino's Bill Increasing Access to College

February 28, 2024
Jerry C. Cirino News

COLUMBUS - The Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 104, sponsored by State Senator Jerry C. Cirino (R-Kirtland), which updates the College Credit Plus Program (CCP) to increase access to and awareness of the program so more students can participate.

The College Credit Plus is a dual enrollment program available for seventh through twelfth graders to earn high school and college credit at the same time. The program allows students to take courses offered by Ohio's public and participating private institutions of higher education.  The program is free of charge for the students, making it an affordable way for students to earn college credit. More than 76,000 students were active in the program during academic year 2021, earning more than 650,000 credit hours. 

"The College Credit Plus program gives students an opportunity to earn college credits and makes college more affordable," Cirino said. "I've seen the benefits firsthand in my own family. Senate Bill 104 will allow more of Ohio's children to achieve the dream of earning a college degree and build successful futures."

Senate Bill 104 makes several enhancements to the program, including:

  • Increasing access to CCP courses in high schools by increasing the number of high school teachers who can teach them. The bill does this by establishing an alternative credentialing process to certify instructors with relevant teaching experience.
  • Creating the opportunity for students to apply for the program twice a year by April 1 and November 1. Previously students could only do so in April. This change gives more students the ability to participate in the program.
  • Adopting consistent CCP notification forms for parents to be distributed by K-12 schools to increase awareness, and requiring the Department of Education and Workforce to include on the state report card whether or not a public school provides information about and promotes CCP as required by law.
  • Requiring the development of a consistent orientation process for students entering the program, while also requiring universities and colleges to provide an orientation to CCP students.

Senate Bill 104 unanimously passed out of both the Ohio Senate and from the Senate Workforce and Higher Education Committee. The next step for the bill is to be considered by the Ohio House of Representatives.