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Revise age for discounted hunting, fishing licenses and permits

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To amend sections 1533.10, 1533.11, 1533.111, 1533.32, and 1533.321 of the Revised Code to allow Ohio residents who are 65 and up, instead of 66 and up, to qualify for discounted hunting and fishing licenses and permits.

Current Version

As Introduced PDF

Introduced In House Checked Introduced In House
In House Committee Checked In House Committee
Reported By Committee Unchecked Reported By Committee
Passed By House Unchecked Passed By House
Introduced In Senate Unchecked Introduced In Senate
In Senate Committee Unchecked In Senate Committee
Reported By Committee Unchecked Reported By Committee
Passed By Senate Unchecked Passed By Senate
Sent To The Governor Unchecked Sent To The Governor

