McColley Honors Life of Former State Representative Bruce Goodwin
September 23, 2020
Rob McColley News
COLUMBUS—State Senator Rob McColley (R-Napoleon) today called for a moment of silence during a session of the Ohio Senate in memory of former State Representative Bruce Goodwin (R-Defiance), who passed away earlier this month.
"Bruce Goodwin dedicated his life to serving his community and state, both as an elected official and private citizen. The State of Ohio is forever grateful for his dedication and selfless service," McColley said.
Goodwin's lifetime of service was spent as an educator, coach, guidance counselor and administrator for Defiance City Schools, Ayersville High School, and the Four County Career Center. During his time in the Ohio Legislature, Goodwin was instrumental in securing funding for State Route 24, as well as advocating for veterans and home-schooled children.
Today's tribute and moment of silence can be viewed on The Ohio Channel.