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McColley Honors Napoleon High School Track and Field State Champion

December 13, 2017
Rob McColley News
Senator McColley presents a resolution recognizing Sam Meece on being named Napolean High School's 2017 Division II state champion.
COLUMBUS - State Senator Rob McColley (R-Napoleon) today honored Sam Meece, from Napoleon High School, as the OHSSA 2017 Division II Track and Field State Champion in discus and shot put this past May.

"I am happy to recognize Sam today in front of the Ohio Senate," said McColley. "He has shown great discipline and hard work over the years, and we congratulate him on his numerous accomplishments." After winning the Division II shot put title, he followed with his second consecutive first-place finish in discus at 183 feet, 6 inches. Meece is currently attending the University of Cincinnati on a track and field scholarship.