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McColley Issues Statement on Historic Budget Agreement

June 29, 2021
Rob McColley News
COLUMBUS—State Senator Rob McColley (R-Napoleon) today issued the following statement on the vote to approve Ohio's biennial budget conference committee report: "From the beginning, this budget was about keeping money in the hands of Ohio's taxpayers and making Ohio a business friendly state. Through tax cuts both for personal income and sales taxes on hiring and recruiting companies, we are incentivizing economic growth and getting Ohioans back to work.

The budget also contains investments in broadband infrastructure. COVID-19 revealed the disparity in access to broadband internet across the state as children and adults struggled to attend school, work remotely, and access healthcare services. This is a critical investment in making sure that our fellow citizens who struggle to access reliable internet are not left behind.

I was proud to vote yes on this budget." For more information on the budget approved this week, click here.