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McColley Recognizes Van Wert High School Track and Field State Champion

June 12, 2019
Rob McColley News
McColley Recognizes Van Wert High School Track and Field State Champion
McColley Recognizes Van Wert High School Track and Field State Champion
COLUMBUS—Senator Rob McColley (R-Napoleon) today recognized Kirsten Clay of Van Wert High School for winning the OHSAA Division II State Championship in the discus event. "Kirsten's hard work and dedication to become a state champion is truly commendable," said McColley. "She has made the people of Van Wert very proud and represented the community well. I look forward to seeing where her talents and hard-work lead her in the years to come." Clay earned her title at the state track-and-field meet at Ohio State earlier this year, setting both a personal record and school record with a mark of 145 feet, 8 inches.