McColley Votes to Approve New State Budget
Cutting Taxes and Red Tape While Making Record New Investments in the Next Generation of Ohioans
July 17, 2019
Rob McColley News
COLUMBUS—State Senator Rob McColley (R-Napoleon) today joined his Senate colleagues in passing Amended Substitute House Bill 166, the state’s two-year operating budget. The Senate voted 29-1 in favor of the conference committee report approved yesterday.
“I’m very proud of the final version of House Bill 166–particularly the tax cuts and regulatory reform provisions that we worked so hard to include. In this budget, we were able to preserve a critical tax deduction for small businesses, which employ more than half of all workers in many counties in Northwest Ohio," stated Senator McColley. "On top of that, we were also able to build on Ohio’s pro-growth policies by implementing a 2-for-1 regulatory reduction requirement, which will only further strengthen our state’s economic climate. Most importantly, we were able to both fund Ohio’s biggest priorities and give all Ohioans a tax cut. This is a testament to the conservative, pro-growth economic policies that have been implemented at the Statehouse, which continue to expand our economy and put more money in the pockets of hard-working Ohioans.”
The Senate diligently delivered tax reforms totaling $680 million, providing significant tax relief and support to Ohioans and small businesses with the purpose of keeping the state’s economy healthy and growing.
Key elements of the tax reform plan include:
- Eliminating the bottom two-tax brackets to help Ohio’s lower income families.
- Implementing a 4% across the board income tax cut for the remaining five brackets. The Senate’s last two budgets have reduced the overall number of brackets from 9 to 5.
- Protecting the backbone of Ohio’s economy by keeping the existing small business tax deduction framework of exempting the first $250,000 of revenue.
- Protecting the Health of Ohio’s Natural Resources: Continues to protect the health and viability of Ohio’s lakes and rivers by fully funding the H2Ohio program over the next two years in a comprehensive effort to deal with the challenges faced by Lake Erie and Ohio’s other vital waterways.
- Saving Infant Lives: Rescinds burdensome regulations that prevent volunteer emergency services from installing newborn safety incubators at their stations.
- Driving Prosthetic Innovation: Allows an individual who is not licensed to engage in the 3-D printing of prosthetic kits. The provision was inspired by a case of overregulation that prohibited a student from developing innovative solutions and technological advancements in this field.
- Investing in Ohioans’ Health and Wellbeing: Makes targeted investments in kinship, multi-system youth, and crisis care, providing funding for families caring for children whose parents are struggling with addiction.
- Investing in Education and Career Readiness: Provides increased funding for Ohio's nationally-recognized libraries and programs that invest in early childhood programs.
- Supporting Our Veterans: Increases funding for various veterans’ organizations, including innovative programs focused on groundbreaking research for brain trauma and other mental health concerns.