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Ohio Unemployment Rate Holds Steady at 4 Percent for Second Consecutive Month

August 21, 2019
Rob McColley News
COLUMBUS—State Senator Rob McColley (R-Napoleon) is praising the most recent employment report released by the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services, which demonstrates that the state continues to maintain low unemployment rates while increasing quality jobs.

"As a state, our pro-growth policies continue to keep unemployment rates low and boost the number of high-paying jobs," said McColley. "I anticipate that as we continue to cut regulations that stifle business growth in our state, we will see these numbers continue to move in a positive direction."

McColley, sponsor of Senate Bill 1, has been a long time champion of efforts to improve the business climate in our state by cutting regulations, reforming occupational licensing and cutting taxes. Most recently, McColley worked with his Senate colleagues to include a "2-for-1" proposal in the state budget to ensure that for every new regulation created, two must be removed.

Ohio's unemployment rate stayed consistent at 4.0 percent in July 2019, unchanged from June. The occasion marks the first time in 18 years that the unemployment rate has been four percent or lower for consecutive months.

Ohio’s nonagricultural wage and salary employment increased 4,500 over the month. The number of unemployed has decreased by 28,000 in the past 12 months from 263,000. The July unemployment rate for Ohio decreased from 4.6 percent in July 2018.

Goods-producing industries added 1,400 jobs since June, with professional business and services (+5,700); trade transport and utilities (+5,300); and leisure and hospitality (+2,900) industries.

More information and the full unemployment report published by the Department of Jobs and Family Services are available online at http://jfs.ohio.gov/RELEASES/unemp/201908/index.stm.