Senator McColley Makes Significant Changes to Ohio's Proposed Congressional Map
Sub Bill Brings Competitiveness to Congressional Map
November 15, 2021
Rob McColley News
COLUMBUS—On Tuesday, State Senator Rob McColley (R-Napoleon) will propose significant changes to Ohio’s congressional map.
Following numerous hearings on the four caucus proposals, Substitute Senate Bill 258 makes additional improvements to the map already judged to be the most competitive map among the four. The proposal boasts 7 competitive districts — a significant improvement from the current districts.
“We listened to the constructive concerns and input from people around the state,” said Senator McColley. “They asked for competitive districts, they asked for their hometowns to be kept whole, and they asked for the constitution to be followed. We delivered.”
Additionally, the map keeps 7 of Ohio’s 8 most populous cities whole. This includes Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Youngstown, Toledo, Cincinnati and Dayton. Each is now contained within a single congressional district. Columbus’ population exceeds the limit for a single district and therefore must be split under Ohio’s Constitution.
"Not since the mid-60’s have these 7 major cities been whole and for the first time in more than 150 years Cincinnati will be contained in a single district. This is truly historic," said Senator McColley.
“For the past 10 years, Toledo has been split. In the original House proposal, Toledo was again divided. Toledoans were concerned, we listened and made the changes – Toledo whole, Lucas county whole,” said McColley. "The same is true for other counties that are currently split and now are unified — like Stark, Portage, Richland, Athens, Trumbull and Mahoning counties to name a few."
The current map in place since 2012 divides 23 counties. This plan divides only 12 counties. That would be the fewest number of split counties in more than 50 years. Further, the proposal only splits a total of 14 townships or cities. Both of these are the lowest numbers for any caucus proposal. “This map is constitutionally compliant and competitive,” said Senator McColley.
Substitute Senate Bill 258 will be formally introduced before the Senate’s Local Government and Elections Committee on Tuesday. For the new congressional map, click here. Below you will find links to county split information: Clark County Cuyahoga County Fairfield County Franklin County Hamilton County Holmes County Lorain County Ross County Shelby County Summit County Washington County Wood County
Following numerous hearings on the four caucus proposals, Substitute Senate Bill 258 makes additional improvements to the map already judged to be the most competitive map among the four. The proposal boasts 7 competitive districts — a significant improvement from the current districts.
“We listened to the constructive concerns and input from people around the state,” said Senator McColley. “They asked for competitive districts, they asked for their hometowns to be kept whole, and they asked for the constitution to be followed. We delivered.”
Additionally, the map keeps 7 of Ohio’s 8 most populous cities whole. This includes Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Youngstown, Toledo, Cincinnati and Dayton. Each is now contained within a single congressional district. Columbus’ population exceeds the limit for a single district and therefore must be split under Ohio’s Constitution.
"Not since the mid-60’s have these 7 major cities been whole and for the first time in more than 150 years Cincinnati will be contained in a single district. This is truly historic," said Senator McColley.
“For the past 10 years, Toledo has been split. In the original House proposal, Toledo was again divided. Toledoans were concerned, we listened and made the changes – Toledo whole, Lucas county whole,” said McColley. "The same is true for other counties that are currently split and now are unified — like Stark, Portage, Richland, Athens, Trumbull and Mahoning counties to name a few."
The current map in place since 2012 divides 23 counties. This plan divides only 12 counties. That would be the fewest number of split counties in more than 50 years. Further, the proposal only splits a total of 14 townships or cities. Both of these are the lowest numbers for any caucus proposal. “This map is constitutionally compliant and competitive,” said Senator McColley.
Substitute Senate Bill 258 will be formally introduced before the Senate’s Local Government and Elections Committee on Tuesday. For the new congressional map, click here. Below you will find links to county split information: Clark County Cuyahoga County Fairfield County Franklin County Hamilton County Holmes County Lorain County Ross County Shelby County Summit County Washington County Wood County