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UPDATE: Ohio Senate Invests $4.2 Billion in Construction and Maintenance in State Capital Budget Rollout

Final Phase Invests Additional $150 million into Community Projects
By John Fortney
June 10, 2024
On The Record

Senate President Matt Huffman and Senate Finance Chairman Matt Dolan announced the introduction of the final phase of a unique two-part Capital Budget Process.

The Capital Budget process funds many construction and maintenance programs for state agencies.

Here are just a few. 

     •  School Facilities Commission $600 Million
     •  Public Works Commission $575 Million
     •  Department of Natural Resource $310 Million
     •  Expositions Commission {State Fairgrounds} $206 Million
Last week, the Senate introduced legislation which contained $700 million for community projects across the state. That special One-Time Strategic Community Investment Fund, nicknamed the "OTSCIF," will now become part of the main Ohio Capital Budget that funds construction including new school buildings to state park projects.

The combined programs will become Senate Bill 292.  Hearings will begin Tuesday in the Senate Finance Committee with a goal of both chambers passing a bill and sending it to the Governor by the end of June. 

"We had a tremendous response from our communities with the millions of dollars budgeted from the strategic fund," said Senate President Matt Huffman. "This second phase includes an additional $150 million for neighborhood projects covering our parks, county fairgrounds, and public pools that so many families buy passes to for the summertime."

Each chamber worked on $350 million in projects for the fund, which represented the first phase of the Capital Budget rollout this spring.

"This additional $700 million gives the General Assembly an opportunity to reinvest in our communities," said Senate President Matt Huffman. "It gave many organizations a second chance for funding, much like the $600,000 allocated to the new water tower project for Fort Recovery," said President Huffman. "These are projects that people notice because they make a difference every day in their neighborhood."

From funding for water system projects to investments in volunteer fire departments and renovations for classroom laboratories, this money makes meaningful improvements to the communities we call home.

Shawnee State College of Health and Human Services does outstanding work preparing students in Southern Ohio for careers in the medical field. A total of $5 million from the OTSCIF will be used to renovate and expand the science labs which are used to educate and train students for careers ranging from nursing, EMT’s and even pre-med programs for aspiring doctors.

“Shawnee State runs an efficient and effective curriculum for students looking for long term careers in the medical field,” said Senator Terry Johnson. “We need to invest in the programs and places that produce results, and Shawnee State does a great job serving the people who call the 14th Senate District home.”

We recently visited the university highlighting its remarkable track record training future engineers. Watch our story here.

Senator Matt Dolan serves as the Senate’s Finance Chairman, and has led the chamber through multiple Capital and Operating Budgets. This Capital Budget in particular represents a unique opportunity for Ohio neighborhoods around the state. "Our purpose with these one-time funds is to return taxpayers their money through community projects throughout the state which enhance our quality of life," said Senate Finance Chairman, Senator Matt Dolan. "These projects are in addition to the $3.1 billion in tax cuts passed in our last operating budget."

Follow “On The Record” for the latest updates as the budget takes the form of legislation and works its way through the General Assembly.

To find projects approved for “OTSCIF” funding in your area, click on the links below directing you to the announcements on your Senator’s web page when they become available.

Senator Rob McColley

Senator Thersea Gavarone

Senator Michele Reynolds

Senator George Lang

Senator Steve Huffman

Senator Steve Wilson

Senator Louis Blessing III

Senator Bob Hackett

Senator Matt Huffman

Senator Nathan Manning

Senator Terry Johnson

Senator Stephanie Kunze

Senator Shane Wilkin

Senator Jerry Cirino

Senator Andrew Brenner

Senator Tim Schaffer

Senator Mark Romanchuk

Senator Matt Dolan

Senator Bill Reineke

Senator Kristina Roegner

Senator Kirk Schuring

Senator Brian Chavez

Senator Al Landis

Senator Sandra O’Brien

Senator Michael Rulli