Legislature Passes Brenner, Cirino Bill Increasing Access to College, Protecting Students

COLUMBUS—Senate Bill 104, sponsored by State Senators Andrew Brenner (R-Delaware) and Jerry Cirino (R-Kirtland), is now heading to the Governor's desk for his signature. The bill updates Ohio's College Credit Plus Program (CCP) to increase access and awareness so more students can participate.
The College Credit Plus is a dual enrollment program available for seventh through twelfth graders to earn high school and college credit at the same time. The program allows students to take courses offered by Ohio's public and participating private institutions of higher education free of charge.
"This bill provides students with opportunities to access a college degree in a more cost-efficient way," said Brenner. "Additionally, SB 104 sets parameters to protect students' safety."
The House of Representatives added changes to the bill that require single-sex bathrooms, shower rooms, and changing room use in Ohio's K-12 schools and higher education institutions. The bill also allows for certain accommodations to be made for individual circumstances, such as allowing students who need to use single-use restrooms to do so.
"House Bill 183 addressed the concern from many Ohio parents about their local schools allowing the opposite sex into shared restrooms or locker rooms," said Brenner. "I support protecting women, and our daughters, by simply providing the specific facilities reserved for them."
Learn more about the bill here.