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Senate Passes Brenner Bill to Provide Academic Intervention Services

December 14, 2023
Andrew O. Brenner News

COLUMBUS—The Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 162, sponsored by State Senator Andrew Brenner (R-Delaware), requiring that any public school student who demonstrates a limited level of skill on a state assessment receive academic intervention services at no cost to the student.

A “limited” level of skill means the lowest possible demonstration of academic understanding of the content being taught. Limited proficiency is the lowest possible score that a test taker can achieve.

"Just last year, almost a third of Ohio’s students scored limited in math, and a fifth scored limited in English," said Brenner. "It is essential that we provide these evidence-based resources to students as soon as possible before it is too late to address their ongoing learning deficiency."

Senate Bill 162 addresses the critical need for learning acceleration for Ohio’s students most in need of additional academic support. A student’s comprehension in English Language Arts and in Math are rated at one of five levels of proficiency: limited, basic, proficient, accomplished, and advanced.

Services that would be available for students may include:

  • tutoring supports, 
  • additional instructional time, 
  • an extended school calendar,
  • or any other academically centered support service that the school or district determines will improve the student’s academic performance.

This legislation helps address an urgent need for Ohio’s students and puts them back on the path to success. 

Senate Bill 162 now heads to the Ohio House for consideration.

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