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Cirino Announces Initial Phase Of Capital Budget Process

Millions of Dollars to Support Community Projects in Lake and Cuyahoga Counties
June 10, 2024
Jerry C. Cirino News

COLUMBUS - State Senator Jerry Cirino (R-Kirtland) announced the investment of millions of dollars from the One-Time Strategic Community Investment Fund (OTSCIF) to support meaningful projects that will benefit our local communities and residents for years to come.
"This one-time fund gives us an opportunity to invest in projects that will positively affect Ohioans for generations," Cirino said. "Municipalities and other organizations came to us with great ideas to enhance our neighborhoods, parks, and the safety of our communities. I am thrilled with the support that Lake and Cuyahoga counties will receive to help our citizens and communities thrive."
The following are some of the projects awarded funding in Senate District 18:

Willoughby Osborne Park Shoreline Protection, $2 million: Funds will be utilized to repair and restore the shoreline at Osborne Park, which has dealt with erosion issues that have created an unsafe and inaccessible area for visitors.

Uptown Mentor Revitalization, $1.5 million: These funds will help redevelop and revitalize a section of Route 20 in Mentor to create a walkable business, residential, and entertainment district.

Independence Selig Drive Emergency Access, $1 million: These dollars will be used by the City of Independence to construct an emergency access ramp from Selig Drive to I-77, providing direct access to the freeway for emergency vehicles.

Concord Township Waterline Extension Project, $500,000: This investment will allow more residents to access clean drinking water. 

ISTEM Painesville TWP Haden Facility/Crowns Project, $1 million: These dollars will support critical building and security upgrades to create a 21st century learning environment for our next generation.

Kirkland Public Library Roof Project, $340,625: Funds will support the library replacing its 30-year-old roof that is at the end of its useful life. 

Bedrock Riverfront Development, $8 million: These dollars will invest in the first phase of Cleveland's riverfront neighborhood, which will add to the region's development. 

The funding for these projects came from the unique, one-time fund established under the state's current operating budget, House Bill 33, passed by the Ohio General Assembly in June of 2023. 

The OTSCIF set aside $700 million as an additional source of funding allowing communities and organizations to apply for help with projects that might not qualify as part of the state's traditional Capital Budget that happens every two years. The OTSCIF is the first phase of the process. Projects funded by the traditional capital budget will be announced next week.

Each chamber developed a plan for $350 million of the total amount while coordinating good faith negotiations to determine projects for the OTSCIF.

The Senate Finance Committee will begin hearings on the bill addressing the OTSCIF funding immediately. Click here for a list of projects and a link highlighting specific projects in senators’ districts. Follow On The Record for additional updates as the Capital Budget advances through the General Assembly.